Features TFM - Group structure, shareholdings, legal entities

Q: Does TFM allow the user to set up the group's legal structure taking into account the respective amounts of shareholdings?

A: Yes.

Q: Does TFM allow users to capture and track changes in the group's structure due to changes in shareholdings, takeovers, the founding of new subsidiaries and divestment of entities?

A: Whenever there is a change in the group's structure, this can be recorded in TFM. TFM will then present the correct structure of the group at any given point in time and take all changes into account in lists and reports.

Q: Is it possible to additionally set up individual groups of entities, i.e. divisions?

A: TFM offers the possibility to set up as many individual groups as required. Group structures can be copied and edited if necessary. All groups can be selected as filter criteria in lists and reports.

Q: How does TFM support the setup of the legal structure or of any individually composed group?

A: TFM contains an optional module called Hierarchy Editor (HE) - HE is a graphical component supporting the rapid setup of categories that are usually organized in a hierarchical structure. Users just choose legal entities, for example, and drag and drop them to the area where they want to set up the required structure. Everything that can be done in TFM's forms and tables, such as capturing amounts of shareholdings or validity periods, can be captured in HE as well. HE is an optional feature - for groups with up to 15 subsidiaries, for example, maintaining the respective data in TFM's forms and tables might also be sufficient.

Q: How can a user administer contacts in legal entities?

A: TFM offers comprehensive features for the administration of contact persons - employees working in legal entities, contacts at banks, etc. By setting up individual categories (e.g. Treasury, Accounting, CFO, Payments, Corporate Finance, etc.), these contacts can be grouped according to individual requirements.

Q: We are used to defining and managing internal ratings for our subsidiaries in order to provide the underlying information explaining, for example, different interest rates charged for group-internal funding - is this something TFM offers support for?

A: Yes. Internal ratings can be captured with Valid from/Valid until dates - the timeline will be saved and available for historical analysis at any point in time.

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